Solar Power - Fun Facts

Fun facts about solar ability are accepted at any age. People appetite austere advice about solar power, but sometimes, alike the austere can be bidding in fun facts.

Fun facts on solar ability accommodate things such as the actuality that, in a distinct hour, abundant sunlight alcove the earth's apparent to accommodated the absolute world's activity needs for a abounding year. Imagine! That advice comes from the American Solar activity Society.

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Here are some added fun facts on solar power.

Solar Power - Fun Facts

12 Fun Facts on Solar Power

* As aboriginal as 1921, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded for abstracts with solar ability and photovoltaics. It was awarded to Albert Einstein.

* When silicon is taken from aloof one ton of sand, and acclimated in photovoltaic solar ability panels, that silicon can aftermath as abundant electricity as 500,000 bags of afire coal.

* In the U.S., there are added than 10,000 homes that get their activity absolutely from solar power.

* Nearly 200 years ago, a British astronomer by the name of John Herschel adapted aliment with solar ability during an adventure to Africa.

* California opened its aboriginal ample solar ability bulb in 1982.

* Solar ability can cut baptize bills by added than 50 percent anniversary year in a home breadth a solar archetypal replaces the electric baptize heater.

* The amount of photovoltaic (PV) solar ability panels has alone 200 percent over the aftermost 30 years, according to the Department of Energy. Owners now pay amid 10 and 40 cents per kilowatt-hour.

* A abstraction by the U.S. Department of activity (USDOE) showed that solar ability altitude were abutting to absolute (99 percent) in San Francisco on June 14th, 2000. On that day, 100,000 barter in that breadth absent power. Solar ability could accept provided all they needed.

* Another USDOE abstraction showed that the roofs of California's burghal and canton buildings, if covered with solar PV panels, could accomplish 200 megawatts of apple-pie electricity! Cover California's academy roofs with solar ability panels, and you add 1,500 megawatts added to the state's aiguille ability supply.

* In California, accoutrement every accessible bartering and automated roof with solar ability panels could accomplish all of the electricity bare in that accompaniment during the daytime.

* Germany is authoritative the best use of solar power, alike admitting its altitude includes abounding blurred days.

* It takes alone about 8 account for solar activity to biking from the sun to the earth.

Suggestion for academy teachers: accept a challenge to see which accumulation of acceptance can ascertain the best fun facts on solar power.

Solar Power - Fun Facts