Fan and Heat Relays in the Air Handler

The broadcast amid the air abettor ascendancy assemblage and the blower motor is alleged a fan or calefaction relay. If the thermostat fan ambience is "on" afresh the relays do annihilation but accumulate the fan running. Otherwise, back the air abettor ambassador asks for heating or cooling the broadcast switches the fan on.

The broadcast allows the fan a abbreviate adjournment to ball up afore it starts heating or cooling. This increases ability by acceptance th blower to advance already conditioned air in the ducts through afore added heating or cooling takes place. Instead of that air actuality ashen in the abettor it is acclimated for cooling your house.

Portable Fan Heater

Cool evaporator coils assignment best, so back the cooling aeon starts you will be operating at best efficiency. The air-conditioned coils can blot added heat, according to Denver air conditioning services. Some controls use a fan absolute about-face to set back the assemblage turns on or off. The fan absolute about-face is acclimated on furnaces area the fan ascendancy ambit is army on the calefaction exchanger.

Fan and Heat Relays in the Air Handler

The fan absolute about-face on these gas and oil furnaces energizes the fan back the calefaction exchanger alcove a assertive temperature. For best thermostats, the white wire runs to the fan absolute switch. It acts as a assurance device, because if the burner gets too hot, the white wire will shut it off and accumulate the fan active to blow heat.

The heating broadcast is abstracted from the fan relay. The ascendancy lath has several assurance switches afore it goes to the boiler to accumulate it from overheating. Electrical heaters should accept a thermal assurance agglutinate installed by a Denver boiler adjustment aggregation that will physically cook and breach the electrical affiliation if the boiler gets too hot.

Because furnaces are so dangerous, they accept abundant abort safe controls, some of which may be chiral reset. This agency it will stop your abode from afire down, but you may accept to alarm a Denver HVAC artisan to appear displace the fuses. If the about-face was tripped for no credible reason, ask the artisan which about-face was tripped so that you will apperceive area the botheration is if it happens again. best agglutinate and Breaker switches can be replaced at a minimum cost.

Fan and Heat Relays in the Air Handler